How God Used a Drought and an Umbrella (and other Devotional Stories)


Volume 4 of the Building on the Rock young children’s Devotional Series, with 31 more stories!

Every story in the book is based on true events, most of which occurred in the 19th century. These volumes combine the daily devotional concept with showing children how God worked in real time and history.

It was the longest drought that anyone in the county had ever seen. Everyone was praying for rain. The fields were dry, the animals were thirsty and everyone was really hot. But only one little girl really believed that God would answer and she taught her minister a lesson.

Find out how she did this by reading the rest of the story and others in this book. Read about the drought, the poor man who was made rich and the shepherd boy who lost his sheep. You will also read about people and lots of children who faithfully stood up for Jesus.

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How God Used a Drought and an Umbrella

Volume 4 of the Building on the Rock Devotional Series

31 more exciting stories from church history!

Every story in the book is based on true events, most of which occurred in the 19th century. These volumes combine the daily devotional concept with showing children how God worked in real time and history.

It was the longest drought that anyone in the county had ever seen. Everyone was praying for rain. The fields were dry, the animals were thirsty and everyone was really hot. But only one little girl really believed that God would answer and she taught her minister a lesson.

Find out how she did this by reading the rest of the story and others in this book. Read about the drought, the poor man who was made rich and the shepherd boy who lost his sheep. You will also read about people and lots of children who faithfully stood up for Jesus.

Scripture references are taken from the King James Version of the Bible and the questions are based on this. Suitable for 7-12 year olds.

About the Authors

Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.

Diana Kleyn is a member of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is the mother of three children, and has a heart for helping children understand and embrace the truths of God’s Word. She writes monthly for the children’s section in The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine, and is co-author with Joel R. Beeke of the series Building on the Rock.


  • How to Use this Book
  • Shorter Length Stories
  • Longer Length Stories
  1. The Carpenter’s Apprentice
  2. A Poor Man Made Rich
  3. A Real Friend
  4. Sister’s Influence
  5. An Absent Daughter
  6. As Grandfather Does
  7. Blind Charles
  8. Bob, the Cabin-boy
  9. Christmas in a Logging Camp
  10. Family Worship
  11. Given to the Poor, Lent to the Lord
  12. Hindering God’s Work
  13. How Kindness Helped a Boy
  14. I Cannot Get Away from God
  15. John’s Sacrifice
  16. No Treasure in Heaven
  17. Not Now – but Later!
  18. Poor John the Stone-Breaker
  19. Repaying Good for Evil
  20. Susan’s Prayer of Faith
  21. That’s You, Jim!
  22. The Power of a Short Sermon
  23. “To Ruin”
  24. A Boy and a Principal
  25. A Little Child Shall Lead Them
  26. Becky’s Prayer
  27. How God Used a Drought and an Umbrella
  28. “Man, Do You Love God?”
  29. Robert Learns a Valuable Lesson
  30. The Shepherd Boy and the Lost Sheep
  31. The Little Kitchen Maid
  • Prayer Points