Preaching the Psalms (Steven J. Lawson)


This book is an attempt to help provide a helpful key to unlock the inexhaustible riches of this vast storehouse of truths that Spurgeon once called “the treasury of David.”

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Preaching the Psalms

Unlocking the unsearchable riches of David’s treasury

Steven J. Lawson

How many preachers know how to preach the Psalms? It must be admitted that noticeable differences exist between the Psalms and the narrative sections of the Scripture.

Further, obvious distinctives exist between the Psalms and the four Gospel accounts, as well as between the New Testament epistles. These literary variations pose real challenges to every expositor. As a result, the Psalms, tragically, remain a neglected book in many pulpits. That is to say, the book of Psalms is often read, but rarely exposited. Therefore, this book is an attempt to help provide a helpful key to unlock the inexhaustible riches of this vast storehouse of truths that Spurgeon once called “the treasury of David.”

SKU: 9781783970179
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Weight 16.6 lbs

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