Sara y Abraham: La maravillosa promesa


Dios les dijo a Sara y Abraham que abandonaran su hogar y viajarán hacia un nuevo país. Les había hecho una promesa tan maravillosa que parecía imposible. Pero al obedecer a Dios y comenzar su travesía, descubrieron que Él siempre cumple Sus promesas.

Spanish edition of the popular BibleWise title: Sarah and Abraham: The Wonderful Promise – from Christian Focus Publications. Bible Stories accurately retold, with full color illustrations throughout.

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Sara y Abraham

La maravillosa promesa

Dios les dijo a Sara y Abraham que abandonaran su hogar y viajarán hacia un nuevo país. Les había hecho una promesa tan maravillosa que parecía imposible. Pero al obedecer a Dios y comenzar su travesía, descubrieron que Él siempre cumple Sus promesas.

Spanish edition of the popular title: Sarah and Abraham: The Wonderful Promise – in the Bible Wise Series. Bible Stories accurately retold, with full color illustrations throughout.

The Wonderful Promise

Sarah and Abraham were told to leave their home and travel to a new country. God had given them a wonderful promise which seemed too good to be true. But as they obeyed God and began their adventure, they discovered that God always keeps his promises.  You can read Sarah and Abraham: The Wonderful Promise and the Bible in Genesis chapters 12-24 to see their story.

All 16 booklets (32 to 40 pages each) in the Bible Wise Series are beautifully illustrated re-tellings of the major Biblical stories and characters, with colorful, high-quality art on every page, along with some of the best explanation of these Bible stories that we’ve ever seen.

About the Author

Carine MacKenzie’s talent for retelling Bible stories has meant that children from all over the world have been given the opportunity to discover Jesus Christ for themselves. Carine’s 150th book 365 Great Bible Stories was released in July 2011. She has sales of several million books and lives in Inverness, Scotland.

Recommended Reading Level

Read to Me: ages 4-6
Read on My Own: ages 6-9