Hero Tales, Part 3 – Audiobook (Henry Cabot Lodge & Theodore Roosevelt)
Audio book (Part 2) of Theodore Roosevelt’s and Henry Cabot Lodge’s famous book, Hero Tales. This CD features six (6) more stirring accounts from early American history, illustrating the values of heroism, courage, patriotism, and perseverance. Narrated by Hal Young.
$7.00 -
Homeschool Dropouts (DVD) – the Botkin family
Five years ago, the Botkin siblings produced this documentary about the homeschooling movement after talking to their peers around the United States. In discussing the future of this movement, the film raised a number of controversial questions, examining the history of the movement and the character that would be required to sustain it into the second generation. Today, many of the problems addressed in this film are even more apparent.
$19.95 -
Building Godly Character with Older Books – Audio CD (Dennis Gundersen)
What is it about 19th & 18th century books that gives them such a richness? Â We began to ask ourselves that question and one answer became increasingly evident: many of the Christian authors in those eras wrote with a more Biblical view of children. This message explains what we have learned in almost three decades since then about why books from those eras are so often richer in content and make a more lasting impact when it comes to character-building.
Not only will your family be enriched by a deeper acquaintance with literature from past centuries, but this message by Dennis Gundersen also explains how parents can make wiser selections from among the literature of today for children.
single Audio CD, 50 minutes
$7.50 -
Discipline: the Biblical Doctrine – Audio CD (Jeff Pollard)
God has given the rod to the family, the sword to the state, and the keys to the church. Each symbol of authority reminds Christians that we are to live governed and orderly lives under the law of God. Regretfully, though many Christians accept the authority of parents and the state, the same Christians bristle at the thought that the local church must use discipline to protect the church and to drive unrepentant or false professors of the faith to Christ. Godly discipline is an act of love. No church can claim to be a biblical assembly if it rejects the doctrine and practice of discipline.
In this thought-provoking message, Jeff Pollard (author of Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America) addresses the need for churches to carry out discipline again, and how to go about it.