Showing 1261–1280 of 1387 results

  • Finally Alive: What Happens When we are Born Again (John Piper)

    When Jesus said to Nicodemus, ‘You must be born again’, the devout and learned religious leader was unsure what that meant. Not much has changed. Today ‘born again Christians’ fill churches that are seen as ineffective at best and hardly recognizably Christian in any way. The term ‘born again’ has been devalued both in society and in the church. Those claiming to be ‘born again’ live lives that are indistinguishable from those who don’t; they sin the same, embrace injustice the same, covet the same, do almost everything the same.

    Being ‘born again’ is now defined by what people say that they believe. The New Testament however defines Christians very differently. It is of enormous consequence that we know what being born again really means, and that Christians know how to communicate this to others.

  • Idols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone (Elyse Fitzpatrick)

    Many people desire to live godly lives but feel trapped in habitual sins. They trip over the same bad habit, embarrassing weakness, or sinful slavery they wanted to be free of years ago. This book reveals that idolatry lies at the heart of every besetting sin.

    If you think of idols as stone statues in far-off lands, think again. Idols are the desires, longings, and expectations we worship instead of the true God.

    Fitzpatrick shares the hope found in God’s desire to have his children live free of idols, and his commitment to free them by his sanctifying power.

  • Prayers on the Psalms: From the Scottish Psalter of 1595

    Prayers on the Psalms is a triple treasure to me. It was edited by my beloved mentor David B. Calhoun, who is truly a gift to the church, it is drawn from the great Scottish Psalter of 1595 and the translated French prayers of Huguenot pastor martyr Augustin Marlorat, and it is based on the Psalms God has given his church to sing and pray in joy and tears. Read it devotionally and pray it passionately.’ — Ligon Duncan

  • Singleness, Marriage, and the Will of God (Robin Maxson, Garry Friesen)

    A comprehensive Biblical guide to the subject of singleness and marriage, from the authors of the 30-year best-seller, Decision Making and the Will of God.

    Not everyone will marry or should, but virtually all single adults think about marriage. And all make decisions that either maintain their singleness or attempt to change it.

    This book offers in-depth answers to help singles apply biblical principles to critical choices.

  • Down a Country Road: 52 Seasonal Readings

    God has revealed himself in two books: the created universe, which displays God’s power, wisdom and glory – and the Bible, which reveals the fulness of His will for mankind. In Down a Country Road, Eric Wright uses his great love of the countryside to bring these two books together, following the pattern of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who used salt and light, trees and flowers, weather and sheep to illustrate divine truth.

    These 52 weekly readings bring to us his detailed observations of nature changing through the seasons and stimulate reflection on a wide selection of biblical truths. Snow and stones, animals and autumn, light and leaves, waves and weeds – along with many other aspects of country life – open windows of insight into eternal realities.

  • O Love That Will Not Let Me Go Grace and Truth Books
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    O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (Nancy Guthrie)

    This compilation, edited by Nancy Guthrie, includes the writings of 22 classic and contemporary theologians and Bible teachers on how to prepare to die in faith. The short meditations are drawn from sermons, books, and other writings of classic theologians such as Jonathan Edwards and John Calvin, and of leading contemporary communicators such as John Piper, Tim Keller, J. I. Packer, and others. The writers provide a solidly scriptural and countercultural way to view the inevitability of death, explaining how and why believers can face physical death with hope, joy, and confidence in God’s promises for the life to come.

  • Paul’s Vision for the Deacons (Alexander Strauch)

    Views on the roles of deacons vary widely among evangelical Christians. What does Scripture actually teach about deacons and their role in the church? Paul’s Vision for the Deacons is not a revision but a completely new book with a fresh perspective.

  • The Power of the Pulpit (Gardiner Spring)

    “Gardiner Spring’s The Power of the Pulpit is an old classic on preaching that truly believes in the pulpit. It deserves to stand on every minister’s bookshelf beside Spurgeon’s Lectures to my Students and Lloyd-Jones’s Preachers and Preaching.  I’ll never forget the first time I read Spring’s chapter on a minister’s personal piety; it overwhelmed me, and moved me to tears, to silence, to confession, and to prayer for mercy and help. This is a great book which every minister should read and re-read, if he really wants to get a sense of the magnitude, awesomeness, power, and beauty of his calling.” — Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theology Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan and author of numerous books on the Puritans and preaching


  • Love or Die: Christ’s Wake-Up Call to the Church (Alexander Strauch)

    In this challenging exposition of Revelation 2:2-6, Strauch examines this alarming rebuke of Jesus Christ to his church. Part I of the book reminds us that “an individual or a church can teach sound doctrine, be faithful to the gospel, be morally upright and hard-working, and yet be lacking love and therefore, be displeasing to Christ.” Love can grow cold while outward religious performance appears acceptable–even praiseworthy.

  • The Whole Christ (Sinclair Ferguson)

    Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters

    Since the days of the early church, Christians have wrestled with the relationship between the law and gospel. If, as the apostle Paul says, salvation is by grace and the law cannot save, what relevance does the law have for Christians today?

    By revisiting The Marrow Controversy — a famous but largely forgotten 18th-century debate related to the proper relationship between God’s grace and our works—Sinclair B. Ferguson sheds light on this central issue and why it still matters today.

    In doing so, he explains how our understanding of the relationship between law and gospel determines our approach to evangelism, our pursuit of sanctification, and even our understanding of God himself.

  • Praying: Finding Our Way Through Duty to Delight (J. I. Packer)

    Does prayer often seem more of a job than a joy? Packer and Nystrom’s practical help for whole-person praying will move you to deeper obedience, delight, and intimacy with the Father. You’ll discover different aspects of prayer, including praising, asking, brooding, complaining, and joining in! Includes reflection and study questions, exercises, journaling prompts, and reading suggestions.

  • Finding God in My Loneliness (Lydia Brownback)

    Young or old, single or married, male or female—at some point in life, we’re all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater?

    Looking at various aspects of loneliness, Lydia Brownback reminds us of God’s power to redeem our loneliness and use it in our lives to draw us to himself. Ultimately, she helps us see that even when we feel misunderstood, forsaken, or abandoned, we’re never really alone. God is always with us, and only he can meet all of our needs in Christ Jesus.

  • Sinful Speech: Pocket Puritans series (John Flavel)

    The ancients believed that there were as many sins of the tongue as letters in the alphabet, while the Apostle James described the tongue as “a world of iniquity.” Puritan pastor John Flavel was often grieved by the language used by professing Christians. Here he warns against several forms of sinful speech and points to what he calls the Spirit’s “excellent way to season our words, and keep them sweet and sound.” (Col. 4:6). Another volume in the Pocket Puritan series.

  • Psychologized Man: A Biblical Perspective (Martha Peace)

    A low view of God is common today, both among church-goers and those who don’t.  Consequently, rather than view God as “the Most High”, He is seen as subservient to man’s purposes and needs: a servant to what we want. What kind of God is that?

    If our minds are to be transformed to think soundly about God, we must also have a Biblical view of ourselves. The evolution of psychology, as detailed in this booklet, shows how completely self-focused 21st-century man has become, and how as a result we have lost any understanding of our purpose in this world.

  • Total Church: A Radical Reshaping around Gospel and Community (Tim Chester, Steve Timmis)

    “Church is not a meeting you attend or a place you enter,” write pastors Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. “It’s an identity that is ours in Christ. An identity that shapes the whole of life so that life and mission become ‘total church.’”

    With that as their premise, the authors emphasize two overarching principles to govern the practice of church and mission: being gospel-centered and being community-centered.

    When these principles take precedence, say the authors, the truth of the Word is upheld, the mission of the gospel is carried out, and the priority of relationships is practiced in radical ways. The church becomes not just another commitment to juggle but a 24/7 lifestyle where programs, big events, and teaching from one person take a backseat to sharing lives, reaching out, and learning about God together.

  • Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership (Alexander Strauch)

    The most comprehensive current study in print of the role and function of elders in the New Testament church. Convincingly emphasizes the blessings and advantages of shared leadership and explains in detail the leading, feeding, caring and protecting labors of elders in ways that will instruct both those in training for, seeking the office, or who have been serving at it for many years.

    Covers qualifications, relationships with each other, and most importantly, provides a thorough study of each relevant Biblical passage.

  • Practical Religion (J. C. Ryle)

    As with all Ryle’s works, Practical Religion is clear, concise and penetrating. It was designed to be a companion to his other books, Old Paths, Knots Untied and Holiness, providing guidance on how the Christian believer is to live. In Ryle’s own words, it ‘treats of the daily duties, dangers, experience, and privileges of all who profess and call themselves true Christians.’

    Far from advocating a works-based religion, these papers are all about how a Christian can practically respond to the grace that has been freely given to him in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ryle was a great enemy of hypocritical and nominal religion, or ‘churchianity’ as he called it. These articles remain a great plea for a real, heartfelt devotion to the Lord in love and service, founded on the great doctrines of Scripture.

  • Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church (Don Whitney)

    ‘You’re worth it.’ ‘You deserve a break today.’ ‘Do something nice for yourself.’ Commonly heard phrases in this society are committed to self-gratification and individual rights. Doing things for other people is a waste of precious time, and asking for help is weak. So how do we build the church described in the Scriptures? In this day and age, how can we be a genuine community based on self-sacrifice and mutual commitment?

    In Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church, seminary professor, author, and former pastor Don Whitney shows us how to build a sense of community and be active participants instead of passive attendees. Whitney looks at such frequently asked questions as: Why can’t I get by on my own? Why should I go to church? Why should I give of myself to the church? Why do I need to worship in church? Couldn’t I just worship in nature? Why does it matter whether I become a member of the church?

    Committed love must mark the local expression of the body of Christ. By putting spiritual disciplines into practice in the church, congregations can return to the depth of community present in the New Testament church, where they ‘devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’

  • Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns: How Pop Culture Rewrote the Hymnal (T. David Gordon)

    Changes in music have affected the way we think, the way we worship—even the way we are able to worship. We are steeped in a culture of pop music that makes other genres seem strangely foreign and unhelpful. Worship has become a conflict area, rather than a source of unity.

    T. David Gordon looks at these changes in worship and not only examines the problems, but also provides solutions. They are solutions of great importance to us all—because how we sing affects how we live. Dr. Gordon not only shows the problems, he also provides solutions – it’s important, because how we sing affects how we live.

  • Transformed Into His Likeness: A Handbook for Putting Off Sin and Putting On Righteousness

    This spiral-bound workbook operates like a flip-chart and is one of the handiest counseling devices we have seen. It contains a study of over 100 common problems facing Christians, along with biblical solutions for each. It explains the biblical process of change, helps identify where personal change is needed and provides Scripture references for problem areas.

    Practical worksheets are provided to help implement biblical change in your life. This is an excellent resource for learning to “put off” sin and to “put on” a righteous walk with God.
