Showing 101–107 of 107 results

  • Letters from Spartanburg (A. W. Pink)


    The letters of this volume are unique as they detail his life and struggles while serving as pastor of the Northside Baptist Church in Spartanburg, SC from the years 1917 to 1920. This was the time he wrote his most influential book, The Sovereignty of God, but only with much difficulty and concern as to its reception.

    During this time he went through a nervous breakdown as he waited for God to show him His will. The value of these letters is that they show the reader the heart of Pink as he spoke concerning many doctrinal matters and church issues, including leaders of his day. A thorough index makes the volume not only easy to use to pursue a subject, but extremely interesting just to browse for a few moments.

  • Building Godly Character with Older Books – Audio CD (Dennis Gundersen)

    What is it about 19th & 18th century books that gives them such a richness?  We began to ask ourselves that question and one answer became increasingly evident: many of the Christian authors in those eras wrote with a more Biblical view of children. This message explains what we have learned in almost three decades since then about why books from those eras are so often richer in content and make a more lasting impact when it comes to character-building.

    Not only will your family be enriched by a deeper acquaintance with literature from past centuries, but this message by Dennis Gundersen also explains how parents can make wiser selections from among the literature of today for children.

    single Audio CD, 50 minutes

  • Doing an Effective Greek Word Study (Richard Belcher)

    Many Bible students have learned a method of doing a Greek word study. But few of those methods actually show a person how to do a word study from the important, first-hand sources of Biblical days, that is, the sources from the Hellenistic and Classical periods, the patristic fathers, and primarily from the Biblical sources.

    This present work presents not only a step-by-step manual on how to do a Greek word study, but also lists vital reference works to be used in tracing those sources.

    When the student finishes learning this method, he will not have to take the word of others concerning the meaning of a Greek word, but he will be able to make his own determination, as well as judge the conclusions of others in regard to their statements about the meaning of Greek words.

  • Practical Demonology: Tactics for Demon Warfare (Conrad Murrell)

    A fascinating, sane, and informative book on the issues related to dealing with demonic powers, written by a seasoned pastor with over 40 years of ministry experience.

  • Doing Textual Criticism in the Greek New Testament (Richard Belcher)

    The thought of doing their own work of textual criticism in the Greek New Testament, for many Greek students, is to approach a maze of hopelessness and impossibility. They have seen statements here and there in various books of the principles of textual criticism, but have never found a simple manual which not only provides the principles, but also gives a step-by-step discussion on how to accomplish the task.

    This present work gives the student a simple explanation of the work of textual criticism, and also that step-by-step discussion of how to do it. The author first identifies the sources of New Testament textual criticism. Second, he discusses the categories or families of the New Testament manuscripts. Third, he presents the classes of scribal errors that one must be aware of if he is to do textual criticism.

    Fourth, he gives a simple explanation of how to apply the principles of New Testament textual criticism and actually accomplish the work.

    Fifth and finally, he shows the student how to synthesize the material and draw conclusions.

  • Ministry Helps in 2 Corinthians (Richard Belcher)

    Dr. Richard Belcher, former professor at Columbia Bible College, has written numerous other volumes in his Ministry Helps series, on various biblical books. This one provides a complete outline for teachers and preachers on the Apostle Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians.

  • Ministry Helps in Isaiah (Richard Belcher)

    Dr. Richard Belcher, former professor at Columbia Bible College, has written numerous other volumes in the Ministry Helps series, on various biblical books, but this is by far the largest, providing a complete outline for teachers and preachers on the book of the prophet Isaiah.

    The book begins with an introductory message, then covers the sins of God’s people, the judgment coming for their sin, and God’s provided solution. It moves then to their hope for the future, the history to come and the judgment of the nations.
