Showing 1–20 of 167 results

  • C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography (2 volume set)

    The enduring value of the C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography lies in its record of God’s grace. Through out these pages the Saviour stands above the servant. That Christ is worthy of a devotion and a service incomparably greater than any redeemed sinner can render is the supreme lesson of the book.

    ‘In his heart’, wrote Archibald Brown, ‘Jesus stood unapproached, unrivalled. He worshipped Him; he adored Him. He was our Lord’s delighted captive.’ Whatever Spurgeon did he did it for Christ. None can read these pages without being indelibly impressed with the author’s words, ‘there is no time for serving the Lord like the very earliest days of youth.’

  • Christmas Thoughts (J.C. Ryle)

    This little book contains five of Ryle’s most popular Christmas tracts, the spiritual wisdom of which is timeless. Ryle challenges us—while we enjoy the wonderful delights of mince pies and mistletoe and mulled wine and music and merriment—to make the most of every Christmas, to consider seriously the person of Jesus Christ and questions of eternal significance.

  • Pocket Puritans Series 13-Volume Set

    Save 30% off the publisher’s price when you purchase this bundle of all 13 volumes of the Pocket Puritan Series currently available.

    “To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but also in abundance.” — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

  • The Christian Ministry (Charles Bridges)

    The revival of the Church seems to be closely connected with the condition of its ministry. Bridges sub-titled the study of the Christian Ministry, ‘An Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency’, and, rightly used, it is well suited to promote a faithful and effective ministry.

    The Christian Ministry is Bridges’ best known literary work, but his expositions of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Psalm 119 are also highly valued.

    Bridges begins by considering the general and personal cause of ministerial ineffectiveness, and goes on to examine comprehensively preaching and pastoral work. This book was one of the few which the godly Robert Murray M’Cheyne took with him to the Holy Land, and, in its field, it is without an equal.

  • Voices From the Past: Puritan Devotional Readings, Volume 2

    Richard Rushing has compiled a further 365 daily devotional readings to take you through the year with the Puritans. Building on Voices from the Past (volume 1), Voices From the Past 2 is an additional treasury of wisdom from such authors as Stephen Charnock, Thomas Manton, David Clarkson, Thomas Brooks, John Bunyan, and Jonathan Edwards, and others.

    The editor has painstakingly selected these readings from their sources, some of which are still widely available in print, others of which are more scarce. Readers will find these choice extracts to be excellent ‘thoughts for the day’, and will frequently find themselves wanting to explore more of the writings of these authors of the past.

  • Family Worship Bible Commentary in 3 volumes

    Walking Through the Scriptures with our Forefathers

    Comment on Every Chapter of Scripture for Family Worship

    Whether you are a father who wishes to read these devotions aloud to his family, or simply to read them ahead of time and glean the main teaching points from them; this work will provide you with a treasure trove of devotional thoughts and comments for your family worship time. Any family would do well to read through the Bible with these godly men by their side, guiding them along as they walk “through the Scriptures with our forefathers.”

  • Puritan Classics Box Set book covers
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    Puritan Classics Box Set: 10 volumes

    This 10 volume box set includes the following 15 Puritan books

    The Art of Prophesying (William Perkins)
    The Bruised Reed (Richard Sibbes)
    The Letters of Samuel Rutherford (Samuel Rutherford)
    The Loveliness of Christ (Samuel Rutherford)
    A Lifting Up for the Downcast (William Bridge)
    The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (Jeremiah Burroughs)
    Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices (Thomas Brooks)
    The Reformed Pastor (Richard Baxter)
    The Godly Man’s Picture Drawn with a Scripture Pencil (Thomas Watson)
    The Doctrine of Repentance (Thomas Watson)
    All Things For Good (Thomas Watson)
    The Mystery of Providence (John Flavel)
    Facing Grief (John Flavel)
    A Sure Guide to Heaven (Joseph Alleine)
    Prayer (John Bunyan)

  • Letters of Samuel Rutherford

    Charles Spurgeon said: “What a wealth of spiritual ravishment we have here! Rutherford is beyond all praise of men. Like a strong-winged eagle he soars into the highest heaven and with unblenched eye he looks into the mystery of love divine. There is, to us, something mysterious, awe- creating and superhuman about Rutherford’s letters.

    This edition is a noble volume, and we shall measure the soundness of Scotch religion very much by the sale of this work. When we are dead and gone, let the world know that Spurgeon held Rutherford’s Letters to be the nearest thing to inspiration which can be found in all the writings of mere men.”

    Richard Cecil said of Rutherford, “He is one of my Classics; he is a real original.” Richard Baxter said of Rutherford’s letters that, other than the Bible, such a book the world never saw as this collection of letters. Finally once again in a hardcover edition.

  • Los Atributos de Dios Grace and Truth Books
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    Los Atributos de Dios (A. W. Pink)

    The Attributes of God by Arthur Pink, in Spanish.

    Spanish edition of Arthur Pink’s The Attributes of God. Una presentacion de la soledad, los decretos, la omnisciencia, la presencia, la supremacia, la soberania, la inmutabilidad, la santidad, el poder, la fidelidad, la bondad, la paciencia, la gracia, la misericordia, el amor, y la ira del Dios Supremo.

  • The Man Who Preached Outside: George Whitefield

    In The Man Who Preached Outside, follow the great evangelist George Whitefield as he preaches the gospel in Great Britain, crosses the Atlantic in a tall ship to America, and then returns home to preach again.

    Look out for a man blowing a trumpet, someone fishing, and lots more in this retelling of Whitefield’s story.

    These simple stories, written with 1-3 year olds in mind, have beautiful, engaging illustrations that will have your children asking you to read them over and over!

  • Treasures of John Owen Box Set
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    Treasures of John Owen Box Set (5 volume set)

    In recent decades, several of Owen’s works have been edited and published in paperback format to make them more readily accessible for Christians today. Now, in this beautifully produced box set — the Treasures of John Owen — they are being republished in hardback format arranged in five volumes.

    Within this box set readers will find themselves entering a world of biblical, doctrinal, pastoral and spiritual instruction that is not only accessible to them, but also leads them into a fresh understanding of the greatness of the gospel — what Paul describes as the four-dimensional love of God for us in Christ (‘breadth and length, height and depth’) — and its many practical implications. Here then is a collection of books designed to enable us to grow in both knowledge and grace.

  • Exposition of Romans: 14-Volume Set (Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

    All over the world, in the most diverse situations of ministry, you will find Christian men and women, students of the Word of God, who consider that they owe an incalculable debt to the ministry of Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. For 30 years, he served as Minister of Westminster Chapel, London.

    During his years preaching there, Lloyd-Jones’ longest series of expositions was in Paul’s epistle to the Romans. This 14-volume set covers those sermons.


  • Maturity (Sinclair Ferguson)

    In clear and logical chapters that are rooted in the reality of the Christian life, the author, who has had long experience in pastoral ministry and seminary teaching, seeks to show what Christian maturity is and how it is to be obtained.

    It was the apostle Paul’s desire to present those to whom he ministered ‘mature in Christ’—for such a maturity would lead to stable, servant-hearted Christians, and healthy, fruit-bearing churches.

    All those who desire to live useful, mature, and consistent Christian lives will gain much wisdom from reading and reflecting upon Ferguson’s book Maturity.

  • Preparations for Sufferings (John Flavel) (#59)

    In this exposition of Paul’s words, ‘For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus’ (Acts 21:13), John Flavel shows us how vital and excellent a thing it is to prepare ourselves for the onset of sufferings.

  • The Woman Who Loved to Give Books: Susannah Spurgeon

    What does Mrs. Spurgeon do when her house is full of books?

    She gets a new house, but she also gets a great idea…

    In The Woman Who Loved to Give Books, find lions on a shelf, a bird in a cage, and an opal ring as you read the story of Susannah Spurgeon’s service for the Lord.

    These simple stories, written with 1-3 year olds in mind, have beautiful, engaging illustrations that will have your children asking you to read them over and over!

  • Charges and Addresses (J. C. Ryle)

    A man of good scholarship, sterling character, wide sympathies, and tremendous zeal, J. C. Ryle accounted it no light thing to be entrusted with the work of organizing and advancing the cause of God and truth in a diocese noted for its extensive industrial development and in a city of world fame. As a man of God he gave unfeigned allegiance to the plenary inspiration of Holy Scripture.

    Linked with this was his determination to strive for the maintenance of the Protestant character of the Church of England as by law established in the days of the sixteenth-century Reformation. Doctrine, experience, and practice based upon and shaped by the pure word of God were to him the essentials of the ongoing life of the Church.

  • The Glorious Feast of the Gospel (Richard Sibbes) (#60)

    Sibbes excelled as a comforter of the troubled and doubting. But he also possessed a rare gift of illuminating every passage of Scripture he handled by drawing out its significance for his hearers and readers.

    These features of this highly practical Puritan’s ministry figure prominently in The Glorious Feast of the Gospel. Sibbes takes for his text Isaiah 26:6-9 in order to display ‘Christ’s gracious invitation and royal entertainment of believers.’ The subject-matter is a perfect blend of rich doctrine and practical application. Here is an ‘admirable feast indeed … Jesus Christ is the master of the feast, and the cheer and provision too.’

  • Exegetical Lectures and Sermons on Hebrews (Charles Hodge)

    Dr. Charles Hodge (1797-1878) skillfully engages the Greek text in a way that enhances the reader’s understanding of the details and flow of the whole. Those familiar with Hodge’s commentaries on other New Testament epistles will immediately recognize his style and method. Broad themes and fine points merge together in a coherent whole, as the commentator allows the text of Scripture to speak for itself.

  • Expository Thoughts on the Gospels John Vol. 1 (J. C. Ryle)

    “The Gospel of St. John, rightly interpreted, is the best and simplest answer to those who profess to admire a vague and indistinct Christianity.” There were many such in J. C. Ryle’s day, as in our own, and these final three volumes of his Expository Thoughts on the Gospels series provide a detailed commentary upon, and ‘right interpretation’ of the fourth Gospel.

    Originally published between published between 1869 and 1873, these volumes differ from those previously published in the series, in that they contain ‘full explanatory notes on every verse of the portions expounded, forming, in fact, a complete Commentary’.

  • Searching Our Hearts in Difficult Times (John Owen) (#55)

    The short chapters in Searching Our Hearts in Difficult Times contain a number of Owen’s talks and sermons on a wide range of subjects.  These are as relevant to Christians today as they were to believers some three and a half centuries ago, when he wrote.
