Showing all 4 results

  • Repentance: The First Word of the Gospel (Richard Owen Roberts)

    Richard Owen Roberts’ in-depth study heavily references both the Old and New Testaments, and includes chapters on the myths, maxims, marks, models, and motives of repentance, as well as the graces and fruits that accompany it. There is also wise warning about the dangers of delayed repentance.


  • The Doctrine of Repentance (Thomas Watson) (#18)

    Repentance is one of the least used words in the Christian church today. In a world that will not tolerate a mention of sin, and in churches where sin has been defined only in sociological terms, the biblical teaching on repentance has inevitably been ignored. Knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting are essential to true Christianity. Jesus Christ Himself said that if we do not repent, we will perish!

    It is vital, therefore, to study what Scripture has to say about this theme. Few men have ever provided a better guide to this area of spiritual experience than Thomas Watson. He was a master of both Scripture and the human heart, and wrote with a simplicity and directness that keeps his work fresh and powerful into the 21st century.

    Few better guides have existed in this or any other area of spiritual experience than Thomas Watson. He was a master of both Scripture and the human heart, and wrote with a simplicity and directness that keeps his work fresh and powerful for the twenty-first century.

  • Repent and Believe: Pocket Puritans series (Thomas Brooks)

    The Puritans believed in the reality of the devil and in his deadly antagonism to the souls of men. To keep us in our lost and condemned state, he employs two devices against us: he persuades us that repentance is easy and that believing in Christ is impossible. Brooks masterfully uncovers Satan’s devices and skillfully prescribes the remedies against them.

  • Repentance (John Colquhoun)

    In this treatment of the biblical doctrine of repentance, the author distinguished between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. Though the latter may be produced by a fear of God’s wrath and lead to reformation of life, it is an experience which falls short of salvation.

    Evangelical repentance, on the other hand, is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in regeneration, is inseparable from faith in Jesus Christ, and is evidenced by turning from all sin to God.
