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  • A Man as Priest in His Home (Sam Waldron)

    The family is a husband and father’s principal ministry. What are the responsibilities of the head of the home? Of course, men are called to provide, protect, and lead their families. But how are these overarching obligations to be applied to their family’s spiritual well-being? A Man as Priest in His Home is an excellent handbook for answering this question. Sam Waldron walks husbands and fathers through their biblical duties as the spiritual leaders of their families. As with the responsibilities of priests in the Old Covenant, the head of the home is called to pray, lead the family in worship, and teach and apply the Scriptures in all areas of life. Among other things, a priest is called to be a counselor, teacher, intercessor, encourager, and judge.

  • Mighty Men: The Starter’s Guide to Leading Your Family (John Crotts)

    Christian men often find the task of family leadership so daunting, we withdraw from it into distant uninvolvement – leaving our wives and children with the impression that we don’t care enough to lead, or don’t want to, when the heart of the problem often is that we’re intimidated by our lack of possessing the basic tools.

    Many Christian men today had little or no training for the role we now find ourselves in. This book provides a “starter kit” for men reluctant to take the reins of spiritual leadership in their homes, and shows the path to imitating Christ in loving, servant headship to those family members who look to us!

    Also available on Amazon Kindle.
