Showing all 2 results

  • Biblical Grandparenting (Josh Mulvihill)

    Biblical Grandparenting explains culture’s misleading messages about grandparenting, provides a biblical overview of the role of grandparents, and shares groundbreaking research that will give students, pastors, and future leaders a vision to impact the next generation for Christ.

    In addition, this book offers practical methods to disciple grandchildren and navigate the grandparent’s place in the family.

  • My Grandmother Is Praying for Me (Kelton, Ferriss, March)

    Are you a grandmother? Or maybe you know a grandmother, are married to one, or fondly remember your own. Whatever category you are in, authors and grandmothers Kathryn March, Pamela Ferriss, and Susan Kelton invite you to join them in becoming actively involved in the lives of grandchildren.

    The world continues to change, and sometimes it seems that the generation gap has never been larger. But one thing always holds fast: our children and grandchildren need to know and live by the wisdom that God has outlined for them in His Word.
