(U) Falsely Accused in the High Sierras (Frederick Vining Fisher)
From the moment he reaches the rough mining town of Gold City, looking frightened as a light-struck deer, Jeb knows that his life will never be the same. And he’s right. He learns what it is to be in the world and yet not of it; in its turmoil and din, its jealousy and greed, Jeb strives to live out his faith with integrity. But the years bring unexpected temptations, which Jeb is unprepared to face.
Will he give in to the pressure? The vicious wrath of Dan Dean rears its ugly head time and time again, until Jeb finds himself being accused of incomprehensible wrongdoing. He suffers deeply in his own version of Gethsemane and Calvary until, at last, the depths of tribulation give way to heights of glory.
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