Showing all 2 results

  • Humbled: Welcoming the Uncomfortable Work of God (David Mathis)

    How do we humble ourselves?  Or, would you prefer to get humbled?

    Humility, according to the Bible, is not something we can just up and do. Both the negative and positive examples of Scripture—from Pharaoh to Rehoboam, from Josiah to Ahab, from Hezekiah to Manasseh, and even to Christ himself—teach us that humility first comes from the hand of God. He initiates the humbling of his creatures. And once he has, the question confronts us: Will you receive it? Will you humble yourself in response to His humbling hand, or will you kick against Him?

    This concise, accessible study of Scripture’s humble-yourself commands uncovers two surprising lessons about the pursuit of humility in the Christian—both what we cannot do and also what steps we can take.

  • Why Should I Fast? (Daniel Hyde)

    Today, the church seems to have forgotten about the spiritual discipline of fasting. Most of us have never heard a sermon about it, and few of us have ever practiced it. We think of fasting as an antiquated relic of the past. So why should we fast in an age of fast food?

    Pastor Daniel R. Hyde argues that “fasting is actually a basic biblical teaching and practice, one that is vital to cultivating godly living in an ungodly generation.” Fasting is a means to the end of abiding, deep, and personal communion with the triune God through prayer. The author explains what fasting is, provides biblical examples of it, reminds us of what Jesus taught regarding it, and tells us how to go about it.
