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  • God Made Them Great Grace and Truth Books
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    God Made Them Great (John Tallach)

    Estimating greatness not by the usual standards, author John Tallach retells the story of five exemplary lives:
    * A German missionary in England (George Muller) who gave his life to the orphans of Bristol’s slums.
    * A Canadian girl (Isobel Kuhn) who devoted her years to take the gospel to the Lisu peoples of China.
    * A crusty Cornishman (Billy Bray) who left an unforgettable testimony to cheerful Christianity.
    * A Yale undergraduate (David Brainerd) who lived to stop the miserable flow of Indian souls rushing into a lost eternity.
    * A Scotsman (Robert Annan) who wandered the earth before coming to love Christ and the poor of the city of Dundee more than he loved anything else.
