A Man as Priest in His Home (Sam Waldron)
The family is a husband and father’s principal ministry. What are the responsibilities of the head of the home? Of course, men are called to provide, protect, and lead their families. But how are these overarching obligations to be applied to their family’s spiritual well-being? A Man as Priest in His Home is an excellent handbook for answering this question. Sam Waldron walks husbands and fathers through their biblical duties as the spiritual leaders of their families. As with the responsibilities of priests in the Old Covenant, the head of the home is called to pray, lead the family in worship, and teach and apply the Scriptures in all areas of life. Among other things, a priest is called to be a counselor, teacher, intercessor, encourager, and judge.
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Christ and His Threefold Office (John Flavel)
Flavel explores the glory of Christ becoming a man “to qualify and prepare Him for a full discharge of His mediatorship, in the office of our Prophet, Priest, and King.”
“Salvation,” says Flavel, “is revealed by Christ as a Prophet, procured by Him as a Priest, applied by Him as a King. In vain it is revealed, if not purchased; in vain revealed and purchased, if not applied.”
Flavel’s treatment of the subject is always heart-warming and practical, only polemical when necessary and painstakingly detailed when he believes the truth is at stake. The whole book is a work of adoration, of meditations upon the transcendent excellency of Jesus Christ.
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The Names of Jesus: A Scripture Puzzle Book About Jesus (Carine Mackenzie)
For ages 6 to 10, this collection of 61 puzzles will keep a child on a study of the names of Jesus. Covers Savior, Light of the World, the Door, Good Shepherd, the Way, Bread of Life, The True Vine, Bridegroom, Sun of Righteousness, Fountain, Immanuel, Redeemer, My Son Whom I Love, The Christ, Lamb of God, Master, Rock, Son of David, Teacher, The Word, Servant, Judge, Prophet, Priest, King and of course the name Jesus!
In this fun and creative puzzle/work book, which is fully reproducible, children will find hours of entertainment and good biblical instruction about the person of Jesus Christ. Explanation and introductions are given to the various names given to Jesus found in God’s Word.
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The Priesthood of Christ: Its Necessity and Nature (John Owen)
Having studied the Epistle to the Hebrews in great depth and written the largest commentary ever composed on Hebrews, John Owen is able to give us a comprehensive guide to the subject of Christ in relation to the priesthood. He explains how the Old Testament themes such as Law and Covenant can relate to Christ’s office of Priest.