Showing all 11 results

  • Jesus’ Passion Week: A Bible Study on Our Savior’s Last Days and Ultimate Sacrifice

    LifeChange Bible studies train you in good Bible study practices as you enjoy a robust and engaging study of a topic or book of the Bible. Learn the skill as you study the Word. Your study of the Scriptures will never be the same!

    Jesus’ last days show that He was not just leaving behind a legacy: He was launching a new kingdom where all people are welcomed. As you study Jesus’ last week, may you be moved by the passion of Jesus, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and inspired to lead a life of sacrificial love. Jesus embodied the height and depth of God’s love in a person, demonstrated by servanthood, suffering, and sacrifice. Ultimately, He made this love accessible to us through what He accomplished on the cross.

  • Leviticus: Rhyme and Reason Series (Catherine Zoller)

    The Rhyme and Reason Series volume on The Book of Leviticus. Accurate to Scripture and without commentary, these volumes re-tell a biblical book in poetic language, accompanied by beautiful full-color illustrations. They capture the attention of every child and are a powerful tool for creating a fascination with the Word of God.

    “She’s done it again! Catherine Zoller has used her writing gifts and poetic skills to produce books for children that every adult will enjoy. Whether you are reading her books aloud to children, or they read for themselves, there will be laughter and learning. This series is biblically correct as well as extremely enjoyable. Your children and grandchildren will remember these books because of Catherine’s unique style. As a pastor, father and grandfather, I am honored to endorse these books and the ministry of Catherine Zoller.” — Dr. Ted Kersh, retired Senior Pastor, South Tulsa Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma and author of The Blessed Life

  • Fastened Like Nails Vol. 1 (F. W. Boreham)

    Formerly titled Wings of the Morning. 

    This treasure sat on my bookshelf for over twenty years! I am grateful that during his morning address at the Guild, Dr. Zacharias quoted snippets of wisdom by Frank Boreham, whom he considers to be one of the most important theologians of his personal library.

    I now place Fastened Like Nails as one of my top ten books. It describes the power of the Word of God in the lives of such men as Luther, Tyndale, Wycliffe, Knox, Whitfield, Pascal, Judson, Livingstone, Paton, Carey, Newton, Bunyan, Cromwell, Taylor, Spurgeon, and Chalmers. The background of each man’s personal conquest makes every story rich and colorful, mixed with tragedy and sacrifice.

  • Atonement Hugh Martin book cover
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    The Atonement (Hugh Martin)

    In Its Relations to the Covenant, the Priesthood, the Intercession of our Lord.

    We enthusiastically welcome back Hugh Martin’s outstanding book on the atonement, one of the finest ever penned.

    The great distinctive feature of The Atonement is the emphasis it places on the importance of a covenant perspective, and its focus on the work of Christ as priest. Martin was adamant that these are essential to the right interpretation and proclamation of the doctrine of the atonement.

    For anyone who wants to learn what it is to think about Christ’s atonement these pages will open up new vistas and indeed whole panoramas that will, when gazed on with a loving and humble mind, fill the heart with love and praise.

  • Leviticus (Journible)

    This is the Journibles volume for making your own copy of The Book of Leviticus.

    In Deuteronomy 17:18, future kings of Israel were commanded to not simply get a copy of the law, but to hand-write their own copy, for themselves. Centuries later, educators have discovered that students who write out their own notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or reading. Our God knew this long ago! With this idea in mind, the Journibles series has emerged.

    Each book is organized so that you can write out your very own copy of Scripture. Yes, you are the scribe in these volumes! You’ll write the Bible text on the right hand page of the book. On the left side, you are given space to write your own notes and comments.

  • The Acceptable Sacrifice (John Bunyan) (#35)

    A heart-rending, moving explanation of Psalm 51:17: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” This was John Bunyan’s final written work, in which this aged pastor sought to show why a broken heart is so very much acceptable to God.

  • For Whom Did Christ Die? The Extent of the Atonement (John Murray)

    From the booklet:
    “The question of the extent of the atonement is simply: for whom did Christ make atonement? In even simpler language it is: for whom did Christ die? The question is: on whose behalf did Christ offer himself a sacrifice? On whose behalf did he propitiate the wrath of God? Whom did he reconcile to God in the body of his flesh through death? Whom did he redeem from the curse of the law, from the guilt and power of sin, from the enthralling power and bondage of Satan? In whose stead and on whose behalf was he obedient unto death, even the death of the cross?

    These are precisely the questions that have to be asked and frankly faced if the matter of the extent of the atonement is to be placed in proper focus.” – John Murray

  • Christ Crucified book cover
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    Christ Crucified (Stephen Charnock)

    In this stimulating work Stephen Charnock links the Old and New Testaments with this classic explanation of how the sacrifice of Jesus Christ fulfils the Old Testament sacrificial system. He particularly illustrates the importance of the Passover, and opens up our understanding of the differences which characterize the New Testament Church era.

    Christ Crucified shows that Jesus willingly submitted to the pain he knew he would go through, in order to bring us the blessings of a new covenant with God.

  • Leviticus (Andrew Bonar)

    Leviticus is one of the least read and understood parts of Scripture. Yet, the author of this commentary points out, no book in the Bible contains more of the very words of God than Leviticus.

    Bonar wrote his notes on Leviticus for his personal use, but was persuaded to publish them by friends. His commentary, though based on sound exegesis, is marked by simplicity. The author is always careful to make spiritual application, for, as he says, ‘The Gospel of the grace of God, with all that follows in its train, may be found in Leviticus. This is the glorious attraction of the book to every reader who feels himself a sinner.’

  • Sacrifice (Howard Guinness)

    How much we need the challenging call of Howard Guinness’s book, Sacrifice!  Guinness shows how a greater, humble commitment of our lives will make our lives useful tools in the hand of  God, rejoicing to see His power and love manifest through our service.

  • Why Should You Deny Yourself? (Ryan McGraw)

    “Self-denial is one of the fundamental principles of the Christian life. It is Christianity 101,” writes author Ryan McGraw. Christians, regardless of personal cost, must believe and do whatever Christ teaches them and reject and flee from whatever He forbids them.

    McGraw helps readers develop an understanding of this essential principle of Christian living by providing an in-depth explanation of what self-denial is and why it is important, and then giving examples of what it looks like in practice.
