El Esposo Ejemplar: Guia de Estudio del Maestro
Currently out of stock. Expected restock in October.
The Teacher’s Study Guide for Spanish edition of The Exemplary Husband
by Stuart Scott
$7.95 -
From Pride to Humility (Stuart Scott)
God has given us a model of humility in the person of Jesus Christ. His most stunning attribute is that of humility; in light of that, the most stunning sin of ours is pride, and certainly the most detestable to God. Pride is a form of self-worship, but often appears in our lives in the most subtle ways.
This little volume will show you numerous ways in which pride may break out in your life, but also suggests how we might pursue humility with the help of the Holy Spirit.
$5.00 -
31 Ways to Be a One-Another Christian (Stuart Scott)
“This is one of the most helpful books to come along in a long time.”
—Bill Shannon — Pastor of Discipleship Counseling, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CaliforniaWith a careful survey of the “one another” commands in Scripture, Stuart Scott and Andrew Jin provide a Word-based understanding of what God intends for Christian relationships—showing not only what they look like, but also how to develop them.
$14.99 -
Killing Sin Habits: Conquering Sin with Radical Faith (Stuart Scott)
Scripture teaches that Christians are to actively subdue or mortify sin habits. In this book, Stuart Scott describes a repetitive and perfect pattern for sin, and how God, through the work of the Holy Spirit and radical faith, can help you conquer sin in your life.
$10.95 -
El Esposo Ejemplar: Una Perspectiva Biblica (Stuart Scott)
Dios ordeno el matrimonio para el companerismo, la procreacion entre el marido y su mujer, y para que el hombre pudiera tener una “ayuda idonea”. Sin embargo en Su Palabra, Dios tiene mas que decir a los maridos a que amen a sus esposas, que a las esposas que sometiendose a sus maridos. El creo el matrimonio para ser una pintura de la relacion entre Cristo y la iglesia. Cristo dispuso su vida en sacrificio para su iglesia, por lo tanto Dios espera lo mismo de los maridos.
$16.95 -
Communication and Conflict Resolution: A Biblical Perspective (Stuart Scott)
Communication and solving conflicts are two major hurdles in any marriage. Doing these biblically must be the resolve of both husband and wife. If you won’t honor God in these areas, count on misery and trouble.
It starts with humility: I may not be right. It also starts with desiring to please God more than self. God considers most conflict a grievous thing that He wants His children to have no part in it. Strife generally arises from selfishness. This booklet has arisen from over 2 decades of experience in counseling families.