Showing all 2 results

  • Angry Children: Understanding and Helping Your Child Regain Control

    If you have an angry child you are most likely worn out, confused, and looking for answers to questions like these:
    “How can I restore sanity to this chaos?”
    “How can I prevent these anger storms in my child?”
    “Why does this rage seem to explode from out of nowhere?”

    Dr. Michael R. Emlet offers you needed help by explaining both the deeper heart issues and possible physical weaknesses that can fuel a child’s angry explosions. Then, using his experience as a doctor, counselor, and parent, he applies the truths of the Bible to your child’s struggles with anger and outlines practical strategies for helping your child learn self-control.

  • Grace Raymond: The Evil and Cure of a Passionate Temper

    The story of Grace Raymond, titled also The Evil and Cure of A Passionate Temper, is the touching story of a young girl who possessed a sharp temper and a tendency to be harsh. Grace comes to realize, after causing her sister injury, that allowing anger to rule in her heart was harming herself as well as others, and would only grow, leading to worse and worse outbursts of anger and animosity.

    Through the influence of a kind teacher, Grace learns the way of salvation in Christ, and who can save her from her sin, so that she becomes an exemplary model of patience and longsuffering, to her family and all her friends.
