The Person and Work of Christ: Revised and Enhanced (B. B. Warfield)
Princeton theologian B. B. Warfield was a watchman on the wall of orthodoxy. His temperament, training, and talent—together with his deep love for Christ and amazing breadth of knowledge—shaped him into the twentieth century’s greatest defender of the faith. His writings have been studied with profit for well over a hundred years—a tribute to his clear, careful, cogent, gospel-centered exposition of orthodox Christianity, which he called “the redemptive religion” and which he fearlessly defended.
In The Person and Work of Christ, Warfield demonstrates that “it is no more possible to have a Christianity without an atoning Christ than it is to have a Christianity without a divine Christ.” Warfield’s incisive scholarship shines in this new and enhanced edition, which has been edited, formatted, and retypeset for modern readers. Its carefully prepared aids include comprehensive abstracts at the beginning of each chapter, intelligent headings, smart paragraph breaks, explanatory notes, definitions of obscure terms, discussion questions, recommended reading, complete footnotes and bibliographies, and more.
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Teología Sistemática (Wayne Grudem)
La palabra “teología” viene de dos palabras griegas que significan “Dios” y “palabras”. Combinadas, la palabra “teología” significa “estudio de Dios”. Sistemático se refiere a algo que es puesto bajo un sistema. Teología sistemática es por lo tanto, la división de la teología bajo sistemas que explican sus diversas áreas. Por ejemplo, muchos libros de la Biblia dan información acerca de los ángeles.
La teología sistemática toma toda la información sobre los ángeles de todos los libros de la Biblia, y la organiza dentro de un sistema – angelología. Eso es de lo que trata la teología sistemática – organizar las enseñanzas de la Biblia en sistemas de categorías.
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John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine and Doxology (Burk Parsons, Iain Murray)
Here is a winsome portrait that dashes stereotypes about Calvin and the theological system that bears his name. A man often reviled as a humorless student of doctrine who preached an austere theology that twisted Scripture, this book sets the record straight — in honor of the 500th observance of John Calvin’s birth in 1509.
The book’s 19 chapters explore aspects of Calvin’s life, ministry, and teachings, and establish his importance even for the 21st-century church. Contributors are some of the most gifted and godly Reformed leaders alive today: Derek W. H. Thomas, Sinclair B. Ferguson, D. G. Hart, Harry L. Reeder, Steven J. Lawson, W. Robert Godfrey, Phillip R. Johnson, Eric J. Alexander, Thabiti Anyabwile, John MacArthur, Richard D. Phillips, Thomas K. Ascol, Keith A. Mathison, Jay E. Adams, Philip Graham Ryken, Michael Horton, Jerry Bridges, and Joel R. Beeke. The foreword is by Iain H. Murray.
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John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine and Doxology HC (Burk Parsons, Iain Murray)
Here is a winsome portrait that dashes stereotypes about Calvin and the theological system that bears his name. A man often reviled as a humorless student of doctrine who preached an austere theology that twisted Scripture, this book sets the record straight — in honor of the 500th observance of John Calvin’s birth in 1509.
The book’s 19 chapters explore aspects of Calvin’s life, ministry, and teachings, and establish his importance even for the 21st-century church. Contributors are some of the most gifted and godly Reformed leaders alive today: Derek W. H. Thomas, Sinclair B. Ferguson, D. G. Hart, Harry L. Reeder, Steven J. Lawson, W. Robert Godfrey, Phillip R. Johnson, Eric J. Alexander, Thabiti Anyabwile, John MacArthur, Richard D. Phillips, Thomas K. Ascol, Keith A. Mathison, Jay E. Adams, Philip Graham Ryken, Michael Horton, Jerry Bridges, and Joel R. Beeke. The foreword is by Iain H. Murray.
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