The Law of Reward or Consequences (Ralph Bouma)


Seven sermons of Ralph Bouma, all dealing with the theme of law, reward, and consequences. Scroll down to see all seven sermon titles, shown below, which are an exposition of Psalm 119:118-122.

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The Law of Reward or Consequences

Seven sermons of Ralph Bouma, all dealing with the theme of law, reward, and consequences. Sermon titles shown below, which are an exposition of Psalm 119:118-122.

1) The Law of Reward or Consequences: Psalm 119:118
2) Putting Away the Dross: Psalm 119:119
3) Servile or Filial Fear: Psalm 119:120
4) Doing Judgment and Justice: Psalm 119:121
5) Christ, Our Surety and Protector: Psalm 119:122
6) Serving Christ for our Own Good: Psalm 119:122
7) Our Surety from Oppression: Psalm 119:122

About the Author / Preacher

Ralph Bouma is pastor of Grace Chapel, Conrad, Montana and for many years managed the publishing business of Triangle Press.  He is also the author of Spiritual Wrestling, Why Confusion Reigns, When God’s Plan in Marriage is Broken, and a commentary series on The Sermon on the Mount.