Walty and the Great Geyer (Franz Hoffmann)


Brave son of the mountain, the bold, experienced cragsman hesitates not in the face of danger; he possesses a determination that no difficulty can daunt. But the fierce bearded vulture is not the only challenge that Wälty must face. Deception, betrayal, and imprisonment are obstacles he must contend with, and he knows that the most courageous heart and steadfast resolve will avail nothing without the assistance of God.

Despair gives way to hope, animating him with zeal and a forgiving spirit, with which comes great reward. A story of a daring boy, full of themes of sacrificial giving.

A Lamplighter Rare Collectors book, in The Fatherland Collection. Target age for this story, 8-12 years old.  Character themes in this story: courage, zeal, forgiveness.

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Walty and the Great Geyer

Brave son of the mountain, the bold, experienced cragsman never hesitates in the face of danger; he possesses a determination that no difficulty can daunt. But the fierce bearded vulture is not the only challenge that Walty must face. Deception, betrayal, and imprisonment are obstacles he must contend with, and he knows that the most courageous heart and steadfast resolve will avail nothing without the assistance of God.

Despair gives way to hope, animating him with zeal and a forgiving spirit, with which comes great reward. A story of a daring boy, full of themes of sacrificial giving.

A Lamplighter Rare Collectors book, in The Fatherland Collection. Target age for this story, 8-12 years old.

Character themes in this story: courage

Originally written in 1855.

Other writings of Franz Hoffmann include:

  • Under the Earth
  • The Brave Heart
  • Freedom in the Cave
  • The Grinder’s Apprentice
  • Buried in the Snow
  • Knight and Peasant
  • The Gold-Seekers Chasm

Table of Contents

  1. Brown Liesli
  2. The Nest of the Lammergeyers
  3. Der Gemsbock
  4. The Swiss Herdsman
  5. Herr von Rochefort
  6. The Reward of Fidelity

About the Lamplighter Rare Collector’s Series

Lamplighter stories are much more than good and wholesome reading for the family.  The inspiring role models found in Lamplighter books show a child that outward compliance alone will not carry a child through the stresses and disappointments soon to be faced in adolescence and adulthood, nor are they a substitute for faith in Christ.  As we learn of perseverance, courage, loyalty, humility, these are qualities to emulate and pursue, but as children read in stories of others like them trying their best and falling short, they will powerfully learn their need for the gospel.  Though life is often not easy, we can be confident that each disappointment and trial is designed by a loving God for our good.

Lamplighter books are carefully designed to draw children back to the Bible, to ensure that each story reflects the character of God.  Often, key Scriptures are referenced so that they may be stored in a child’s heart. Lamplighter volumes are recognizable right away by their beautiful, high-quality bindings.  But the other unique feature of a Lamplighter book, in contrast to other publications of the same title, is that the Lamplighter editions have been enhanced with helpful footnotes and woven with threads of Biblical truths that will be etched into an awakened moral conscience. These characteristics are what make our Lamplighter Collection so unique and highly valued.