Showing all 4 results

  • A Holy Minister: The Life & Spiritual Legacy of Robert Murray M’Cheyne (Jordan Stone)

    Robert Murray M’Cheyne was a 19th century preacher who is known not only for his powerful preaching, but for his personal holiness. Jordan Stone examines the force behind this holiness – his love for and communion with Christ.

    M’Cheyne prayed for, preached for and pursued holiness because he understood it to be the mature expression of love to Christ. Let us allow his unrelenting passion for piety convict our contemporary complacency and help us learn how to abide in the love of Christ.

  • Mary Slessor: Servant to the Slave (Catherine Mackenzie)

    Mary Slessor grew up in the slums of Dundee in the 1800’s. Industry was booming but housing was sub- standard and life expectancy was low. Illness, disease and malnutrition killed many children before they reached the age of five. And Mary’s own family was both poor and abusive! What hope did she have of being “used by God”?

    But in the plan of God, the slums of Dundee were Mary’s training ground for a much fiercer battle. Only about 25 years old, Mary traveled to West Africa to devote her life reaching the lost tribes of Calibar. And what a culture it was! Among the peoples of Calibar, superstition demanded that families kill twin babies and murder slaves and women at funerals.

    But the Lord Jesus Christ used Mary’s labors to set many free from all that – and from their own sins! Her life in the slums of Dundee was the key ingredient to her success as a missionary – that, and her constant trust in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To this day, Calibar remembers Mary Slessor, affectionately known as “Ma”; her influence on that region of Africa was astounding.

  • The Whole Christ (Sinclair Ferguson)

    Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters

    Since the days of the early church, Christians have wrestled with the relationship between the law and gospel. If, as the apostle Paul says, salvation is by grace and the law cannot save, what relevance does the law have for Christians today?

    By revisiting The Marrow Controversy — a famous but largely forgotten 18th-century debate related to the proper relationship between God’s grace and our works—Sinclair B. Ferguson sheds light on this central issue and why it still matters today.

    In doing so, he explains how our understanding of the relationship between law and gospel determines our approach to evangelism, our pursuit of sanctification, and even our understanding of God himself.

  • Memoir and Remains of Robert Murray M’Cheyne (Andrew Bonar)

    Few biographical books have been more loved than this one. First published in 1844, it has sold well over 1 million copies, because few books have had such a wide influence on the lives of God’s people, to elevate our aspirations, because of the passionate pursuit of the service of God in the brief, zealous life of M’Cheyne. Includes many of his letters, sermons, brief diary entries and writings, and hymns he composed.

    Testimonies to its usefulness were received from many lands and Christians of differing theological persuasions have testified to the blessing experiences through reading it. ‘This is one of the best and most profitable volumes ever published’, said C.H. Spurgeon. ‘The memoir of such a man ought surely to be in the hands of every Christian and certainly every preacher of the Gospel.’ Few books contain such variety and wealth of spiritual matter between their covers. As well as the biography portion of the book, covering 174 of its 648 pages, the work contains a good selection of letters, sermons, other writings and sacred songs.
