Showing all 3 results

  • Cyril Ashley: Judgment to Generosity (A. L. O. E.)

    Cyril Ashley is finally coming home, and his siblings just know that he’ll take the reins and squelch all their wicked fun! But to Cyril, when momma left, the sunshine left with her. His love of writing helps him escape the present chaos in their once-ordered home and bury himself in his unfinished book. What will it take for Cyril to see that his light needs to shine most clearly in his own home if he would have its beams radiate far beyond?

    Often, in our inner conflict with pride, we yearn to be heard. Through the characters of Cyril Ashley, his siblings, and their wild friend Lorenzo, we see ourselves with a bit more clarity and hope to be changed.

  • Jill’s Red Bag (Amy Le Feuvre)

    This delightful story may be Amy Le Feuvre’s best work of all. Jill’s Red Bag has a gentle way of touching the heart of even the most mature reader. Jill heartily demonstrates the importance of sacrificial giving and the great reward it brings. Her focused determination and enthusiasm are contagious!

    Jack reveals how selfishness is truly blind to the needs of others. Their other little friends provide plenty of laughter, all in a story designed to teach children the importance of giving to support the work of the Lord.

  • Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road (Timothy Keller)

    Why would someone risk his own safety, ruin his schedule, and get himself dirty and bloody to help a needy person of another race and social class? And why would Jesus tell us, “Go and do likewise”? Like the wounded man on the Jericho Road in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, there are needy people in our path — the widow next door, the large family strapped with medical bills, the homeless man outside our place of worship.

    God calls us to be ministers of mercy to those in need of assistance, food, shelter, or even just friendship. Author Timothy Keller is Senior Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, and has led his church into significant practical service and opportunity for the gospel by caring for the needy around them in New York City.
