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  • Isobel Kuhn: Lights in Lisuland (Irene Howat)

    There is no nation by the name of Lisuland, but the Lisu are a people group of over one million, who live mostly in China, Burma, and Thailand. When young Isobel Kuhn first went there in 1928, very few of the Lisu people knew anything at all about Jesus Christ.

    Today, the Lisu have some of highest numbers of true Christians of any people-group on the globe! The story of Isobel Kuhn is one of history’s greatest incidents of God using a single young woman, despite all her self-doubts, as she relied upon Him to use her to share the love of Christ.

  • Ten Girls Who Changed the World Grace and Truth Books
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    Ten Girls Who Changed the World

    Written with girls 7-12 years of age in mind, Ten Girls Who Changed the World includes stories of girls who became great women. Short biographies of 10-12 pages on each person.

  • God Made Them Great Grace and Truth Books
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    God Made Them Great (John Tallach)

    Estimating greatness not by the usual standards, author John Tallach retells the story of five exemplary lives:
    * A German missionary in England (George Muller) who gave his life to the orphans of Bristol’s slums.
    * A Canadian girl (Isobel Kuhn) who devoted her years to take the gospel to the Lisu peoples of China.
    * A crusty Cornishman (Billy Bray) who left an unforgettable testimony to cheerful Christianity.
    * A Yale undergraduate (David Brainerd) who lived to stop the miserable flow of Indian souls rushing into a lost eternity.
    * A Scotsman (Robert Annan) who wandered the earth before coming to love Christ and the poor of the city of Dundee more than he loved anything else.
