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  • Puritan Classics Box Set book covers
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    Puritan Classics Box Set: 10 volumes

    This 10 volume box set includes the following 15 Puritan books

    The Art of Prophesying (William Perkins)
    The Bruised Reed (Richard Sibbes)
    The Letters of Samuel Rutherford (Samuel Rutherford)
    The Loveliness of Christ (Samuel Rutherford)
    A Lifting Up for the Downcast (William Bridge)
    The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (Jeremiah Burroughs)
    Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices (Thomas Brooks)
    The Reformed Pastor (Richard Baxter)
    The Godly Man’s Picture Drawn with a Scripture Pencil (Thomas Watson)
    The Doctrine of Repentance (Thomas Watson)
    All Things For Good (Thomas Watson)
    The Mystery of Providence (John Flavel)
    Facing Grief (John Flavel)
    A Sure Guide to Heaven (Joseph Alleine)
    Prayer (John Bunyan)
