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  • Mary Slessor: Servant to the Slave (Catherine Mackenzie)

    Mary Slessor grew up in the slums of Dundee in the 1800’s. Industry was booming but housing was sub- standard and life expectancy was low. Illness, disease and malnutrition killed many children before they reached the age of five. And Mary’s own family was both poor and abusive! What hope did she have of being “used by God”?

    But in the plan of God, the slums of Dundee were Mary’s training ground for a much fiercer battle. Only about 25 years old, Mary traveled to West Africa to devote her life reaching the lost tribes of Calibar. And what a culture it was! Among the peoples of Calibar, superstition demanded that families kill twin babies and murder slaves and women at funerals.

    But the Lord Jesus Christ used Mary’s labors to set many free from all that – and from their own sins! Her life in the slums of Dundee was the key ingredient to her success as a missionary – that, and her constant trust in her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To this day, Calibar remembers Mary Slessor, affectionately known as “Ma”; her influence on that region of Africa was astounding.

  • What Is It Like? The True Story of Mary Slessor and Her African Adventure

    Another volume in the beautiful Little Lights Series, to introduce children from 3-8 years of age to some exemplary servants of Christ!

    Mary Slessor was a fiery young red head who lead a tough life. From the slums of Dundee in Scotland she traveled to the wild jungles of Africa. Wherever she went she shared the good news of Jesus Christ. What was it like to work in a jute mill in Dundee or to work among warrior tribes in Africa? It was hard work, it was dangerous – but it was an adventure to be working for God.

    Get all 15 volumes in the Little Lights Series!

  • Ten Girls Who Changed the World Grace and Truth Books
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    Ten Girls Who Changed the World

    Written with girls 7-12 years of age in mind, Ten Girls Who Changed the World includes stories of girls who became great women. Short biographies of 10-12 pages on each person.
