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  • Childhood’s Songs of Long Ago: Divine and Moral Songs (Isaac Watts)

    With a Collection of Sonnets, Prayers, and Simplified Piano Arrangements

    Includes a brief biographical account of the life of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D. D. Piano accompaniments by Jacqueline Sprinkle.  Spiral-bound for ease of use at the piano.

    From the Introduction by Jacqueline Sprinkle to this 2007 edition:

    “Contemporary Christian music is becoming a vast wasteland of fluff and the serious Christian finds himself being bombarded with vain repetitions, high decibel sounds, and heavy rock beats. These hymns by Dr. Watts were once standard literature for English and American children. The tunes we have chosen for the lyrics are also traditional hymn tunes which are very structured and easy to sing. The lyrics will be easily understood by children and will aid parents and teachers as they seek to apply biblical principles to every area of life.

    We believe this volume will prove worthy as a children’s classic to be used alongside other volumes we now have in print, which are specifically selected for youth.”

    Scroll down to see all the song titles included.
