The Person of Christ (Phillip Schaff)
A book which truly exalts Christ and sets the heart aflame for Him! In this popularly written three-part book, Dr. Philip Schaff first sets forth the human perfection and character of Christ in such a way as brings the honest reader to worship Him as God incarnate; then shows the emptiness of any and all alternative explanations for His person; and finally presents a collection of writings by unbelievers concerning the moral perfection of Jesus in order to demonstrate the universal belief in the perfection of Christ.
Schaff makes abundantly clear that men ought to give up their strange and empty theories about Christ in order to bow before Him and give Him the honor He deserves.  An unbeliever will have a difficult time shaking off the forcefulness of Schaff’s argument, and so the book is a good choice to give to non-Christians who are interested in Christ and somewhat intellectually inclined.
When ordering from $500.