Showing all 2 results

  • Coming to Faith in Christ (John Benton)

    First published in the 1980s, this has been for over 30 years now one of the most useful evangelistic booklets we have ever seen or used. Coming to Faith in Christ presents a straightforward summary of the gospel for those who may be considering the Christian faith for the first time.

    Bible references are given throughout to encourage the reader to search the pages of Scripture and see for himself the message of Jesus Christ.

    “I was looking for a literature to give to a friend of mine who is not a Christian. This booklet is an excellent witnessing tool to give away for those we want to share the gospel!” — Angelo Dela Cruz Jr.


  • Ultimate Questions (ESV – English Standard Version)

    Now in ESV (English Standard Version)

    One of the best gospel presentation booklets in print! Millions distributed, by author John Blanchard, known widely in Great Britain. Contains captivating photographs on every page as well. Covers the whole gospel sufficiently while being brief enough to stand a chance of an unbeliever reading the entirety of it.

    This is the English Standard Version edition; see also at this site, available also in New King James Version, New International Version, in Spanish, by the title Preguntas Ultimas, and in 22 other languages! Call us for details if you need to know which languages.
